July 25, Morning |
9:00—10:15 |
注册 |
主席 |
Ruiming Zhang |
10:15—10:30 |
开幕 |
开场: |
陈永川教授、Mourad Ismail |
10:30—11:00 |
茶歇时间 |
11:00—12:00 |
Peter Paule |
q-Series andcomputeralgebra 1: Zeilbergersummation |
12:00—14:00 |
午餐 |
July 25, Afternoon |
主席 |
Mourad Ismail |
15:00—16:00 |
Peter Paule |
q-Series andcomputeralgebra 2: Zeilberger’sholonomicparadigm |
16:00—16:30 |
茶歇时间 |
16:30—17:00 |
Long Li |
Appellseries overfinitefields |
18:00— |
晚宴 |
July 26, Morning |
9:00—9:30 |
注册 |
主席 |
Jyh-Hao Lee |
9:30—10:30 |
Peter Paule |
q-Series and computer algebra 3: The Rogers-Ramanujan functions |
10:30—11:00 |
茶歇时间 |
11:00—12:00 |
CarstenSchneider |
Symbolicsummation and (q-)applications |
12:00—14:00 |
午餐 |
July 26, Afternoon |
主席 |
Zhi-Hong Sun |
15:00—16:00 |
PeterPaule |
q-Series andcomputeralgebra 4: Ramanujan’spartitioncongruences |
16:00—16:30 |
茶歇时间 |
16:30—17:00 |
Su-Dan Wang |
Asymmetricgeneralization of anidentity of Andrews and Yee |
17:30— |
晚餐 |
July 27, Morning |
9:00—9:30 |
注册 |
主席 |
Chun-Kong Law |
9:30—10:30 |
Michael Mertens |
Classicalmodular forms I |
10:30—11:00 |
茶歇时间 |
11:00—12:00 |
Larry Rolen |
Harmonic Maass forms: First results and applications I |
12:00—14:00 |
午餐 |
July 27, Afternoon |
主席 |
KrishnaswamiAlladi |
15:00—16:00 |
Michael Mertens |
Classicalmodular forms II |
16:00—16:30 |
茶歇时间 |
16:30—17:00 |
Chuanan Wei |
Partialtheta functionidentities from Wang and Ma’s conjecture |
17:30— |
晚餐 |
July 30, Morning |
9:00—9:30 |
Registration |
Chairman |
Gaurav Bhatnagar |
9:30—10:30 |
Michael Mertens |
Classicalmodular forms III |
10:30—11:00 |
Coffee Break |
11:00—12:00 |
Larry Rolen |
Harmonic Maass forms: First results and applications II |
12:00—14:00 |
Lunch |
July 30, Afternoon |
Chairman |
Xinrong Ma |
15:00—15:30 |
Hsiao-Fan Liu |
Graphicenumerations anddiscretePainlevéequations viarandommatrixmodels |
15:30—16:00 |
Chuan-Tsung Chan |
Graphicenumerations anddiscretePainlevéequations viarandommatrixmodels |
16:00—16:30 |
Coffee Break |
16:30—17:00 |
Nian-Hong Zhou |
Asymptoticformulae for Eulerianseries |
17:30— |
Dinner |
July 31, Morning |
9:00—9:30 |
Registration |
Chairman |
Simon Ruijsenaars |
9:30—10:30 |
Mourad Ismail |
Introduction toq-series |
10:30—11:00 |
Coffee Break |
11:00—12:00 |
KrishnaswamiAlladi |
Revisiting the Riemannzetafunction atpositiveeven integers and anewqanalogue |
12:00—14:00 |
Lunch |
July 31, Afternoon |
Chairman |
Liuquan Wang |
15:00—15:30 |
Yu-Qiu Zhao |
Asymptotics viadifferenceequationmethods: Charlier polynomials |
15:30—16:00 |
Gaurav Bhatnagar |
Thedeterminant of anelliptic Sylvesteresquematrix |
16:00—16:30 |
Coffee Break |
16:30—17:00 |
17:30— |
Dinner |
August 1, Morning |
9:00—9:30 |
Registration |
Chairman |
Tuen Wai Ng |
9:30—10:30 |
Mourad Ismail |
Introduction toq-series |
10:30—11:00 |
Coffee Break |
11:00—12:00 |
Xinrong Ma |
Twogeneralmethods tohypergeometricseries andtheirapplications |
12:00—14:00 |
Lunch |
August 1, Afternoon |
Chairman |
Yu-Qiu Zhao |
15:00—15:30 |
Chun-Kong Law |
Dispersion relations of periodic quantum graphs associated with Archimedean tiling |
15:30—16:00 |
Jyh-Hao Lee |
Review of AKNS-ZS system in theset-up of Beals-Coifman—D-barmethod |
16:00—16:30 |
Coffee Break |
16:30—17:00 |
Research Problems (Ruiming Zhang) |
17:30— |
Dinner |
August 2, Morning |
9:00—9:30 |
Registration |
Chairman |
Pablo Román |
9:30—10:30 |
Mourad Ismail |
Introduction toq-series |
10:30—11:00 |
Coffee Break |
11:00—12:00 |
Zhi-Zheng Zhang |
Multiple basic hypergeometric series and mock theta functions |
12:00—14:00 |
Lunch |
August 2, Afternoon |
Chairman |
Haigang Zhou |
15:00—15:30 |
Sin-Hua Lai |
Thefundamentaltheorem of thecurves in the Heisenberggroup |
15:30—16:00 |
Shaoshi Chen |
How togenerate allpossiblerational Wilf-Zeilbergerpairs? |
16:00—16:30 |
Coffee Break |
16:30—17:00 |
Research Problems (Ruiming Zhang) |
17:30— |
Dinner |
August 3, Morning |
9:00—9:30 |
Registration |
Chairman |
Chuan-Tsung Chan |
9:30—10:30 |
Tuen Wai Ng |
Hyberbolic Belyimaps and Shabat-Blaschkeproducts |
10:30—11:00 |
Coffee Break |
11:00—12:00 |
Ruiming Zhang |
On Fouriertransforms andq-specialfunctions |
12:00—14:00 |
Lunch |
August 3, Afternoon |
Chairman |
Hsiao-Fan Liu |
15:00—15:30 |
Xiang-Sheng Wang |
Onquasi-orthogonalpolynomials |
15:30—16:00 |
Jin Wang |
Furtherresults on Andrews-Yee’stwoidentities formockthetafunctions |
16:00—16:30 |
Coffee Break |
16:30—17:00 |
Research Problems (Nian-Hong Zhou) |
17:30— |
Dinner |
August 6, Morning |
9:00—9:30 |
Registration |
Chairman |
Xing-Biao Hu |
9:30—10:30 |
Alexei Zhedanov |
Askey-Wilson algebra, algebraic Heun operator and their applications |
10:30—11:00 |
Coffee Break |
11:00—12:00 |
Simon Ruijsenaars |
Ordinaryq-differenceequations:From2F1to and beyond
12:00—14:00 |
Lunch |
August 6, Afternoon |
Chairman |
Hatice Aslan |
15:00—15:30 |
EnasM. Shehata |
Some types of functions to construct the associated calculi |
15:30—16:00 |
Ernest X.W. Xia |
Arithmetic properties for Ramanujan’s function
16:00—16:30 |
Coffee Break |
16:30—17:00 |
Research Problems (Haigang Zhou) |
17:30— |
Dinner |
August 7, Morning |
9:00—9:30 |
Registration |
Chairman |
Ae Ja Yee |
9:30—10:30 |
Alexei Zhedanov |
Askey-Wilson algebra, algebraic Heun operator and their applications |
10:30—11:00 |
Coffee Break |
11:00—12:00 |
Shishuo Fu |
Gammaexpansions ofq-Narayanapolynomials,patternavoidance and the (-1)-phenomenon |
12:00—14:00 |
Lunch |
August 7, Afternoon |
Chairman |
Ole Warnaar |
15:00—15:30 |
PlamenSimeonov |
Apolynomialblossom for the Askey-Wilsonoperator |
15:30—16:00 |
Nancy S.S. Gu |
Someproblems related tomockthetafunctions |
16:00—16:30 |
Coffee Break |
16:30—17:00 |
Research Problems (Simon Ruijsenaars) |
17:30— |
Dinner |
August 8, Morning |
9:00—9:30 |
Registration |
Chairman |
Alexei Zhedanov |
9:30—10:30 |
Ae Ja Yee |
Partition Sieves, Singular Overpartitions, and Truncated partition theorems |
10:30—11:00 |
Coffee Break |
11:00—11:30 |
Bing He |
Athetafunctionidentity withapplications |
11:30—12:00 |
Shi-Chao Chen |
Linearcongruences of aclass ofpartitions |
12:00—14:00 |
Lunch |
August 8, Afternoon |
Chairman |
Christian Krattenthaler |
15:00—15:30 |
Liuquan Wang |
Moments ofranks, oddranks andk-markedodd Durfeesymbols |
15:30—16:00 |
Research Problems (Pablo Román) |
16:00—17:00 |
17:30— |
Dinner |
August 9, Morning |
9:00—9:30 |
Registration |
Chairman |
PlamenSimeonov |
9:30—10:30 |
Christian Krattenthaler |
A transformation formula for elliptic hypergeometric series: three applications |
10:30—11:00 |
Coffee Break |
11:00—12:00 |
Ole Warnaar |
Symmetric plane partitions and Gelfand pairs |
12:00—14:00 |
Lunch |
August 9, Afternoon |
Chairman |
Zhi-Wei Sun |
15:00—15:30 |
Haigang Zhou |
Countingzeros inquaternionalgebrasusing Jacobiforms |
15:30—16:00 |
Zhi-Hong Sun |
Ramanujan’sthetafunctions andsums oftriangularnumbers |
16:00—16:30 |
Coffee Break |
16:30—17:00 |
Research Problems (Zhi-Wei Sun) |
17:30— |
Dinner |
August 10, Morning |
9:00—9:30 |
Registration |
Chairman |
Shishuo Fu |
9:30—10:30 |
Ole Warnaar |
On modular Nekrasov-Okounkov formulas |
10:30—11:00 |
Coffee Break |
11:00—12:00 |
Pablo Román |
Burchnall-type identities formatrix-valuedorthogonal polynomials |
12:00—14:00 |
Lunch |
August 10, Afternoon |
Chairman |
Ruiming Zhang |
15:00—15:30 |
Victor J.W. Guo |
Someq-congruences withparameters |
15:30—16:00 |
Shuai-Xia Xu |
Laguerreunitary ensembleperturbed by apole in the potential |
16:00-16:30 |
Coffee Break |
16:30—17:00 |
Xinhua Xiong |
Euler’spartition theorem forallmoduli andnewcompanions to Rogers-Ramanujan-Andrews-Gordon identities |
17:30— |
Dinner |
August 13, Morning |
9:00—9:30 |
Registration |
Chairman |
Katsuhisa Mimachi |
9:30—10:30 |
Masatoshi Noumi |
Elliptichypergeometric integrals |
10:30—11:00 |
Coffee Break |
11:00—12:00 |
Kathy Q.Ji |
Inequalities onranks andcranks ofpartitions |
12:00—14:00 |
Lunch |
August 13, Afternoon |
Chairman |
Dan Dai |
15:00—15:30 |
Qiu-Ming Luo |
Ramanujan’slostnotebook andRamanujan’scircular summation |
15:30—16:00 |
Jian Cao |
Solutions ofq-difference equations andsomeapplications |
16:00—16:30 |
Coffee Break |
16:30—17:00 |
Research Problems (Mourad Ismail) |
17:30— |
Dinner |
August 14, Morning |
9:00—9:30 |
Registration |
Chairman |
Masatoshi Noumi |
9:30—10:30 |
Dan Dai |
Doubly infinite Jacobi matrices revisited: Resolvent and spectral measure |
10:30—11:00 |
Coffee Break |
11:00—11:30 |
Ji-Cai Liu |
Ageneralizedsupercongruence of Kimoto and Wakayama |
11:30—12:00 |
Xiangke Chang |
Isospectraldeformationrelated toorthogonalfunctions:Todalattices and peakonlattices |
12:00—14:00 |
Lunch |
August 14, Afternoon |
Chairman |
Zhi-Guo Liu |
15:00—15:30 |
Hao Pan |
Divisibility ofbinomialsums andq-congruences |
15:30—16:00 |
Xing-Biao Hu |
Anumericalstudy of the 3-periodicwavesolutions to KdV-typeequations |
16:00—16:30 |
Coffee Break |
16:30—17:00 |
Research Problems (Zhi-Wei Sun) |
17:30— |
Dinner |
August 15, Morning |
9:00—9:30 |
Registration |
Chairman |
Ruiming Zhang |
9:30—10:00 |
KatsuhisaMimachi |
Connection formulas among solutions of , which is satisfied by Appell’s hypergeometric function
10:00—10:30 |
Zhi-Wei Sun |
Onq-analogues ofsomeidentities andcongruences |
10:30—11:00 |
Coffee Break |
11:00—12:00 |
Zhi-Guo Liu |
Arefinement of theorthogonality for the Askey-Wilsonpolynomials |
12:00—14:00 |
Lunch |
August 15, Afternoon |
Chairman |
Mourad Ismail |
15:00—15:30 |
Xiaomei Yang |
Theapplication ofq-Gaussdistribution in Bayesianinversion |
15:30—16:00 |
Research Problems (Ruiming Zhang) |
16:00—17:00 |
18:00— |
Dinner |