张新珍 |

教授,博导 |
■ |
xzzhang@tju.edu.cn |
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北洋园校区32教434 |
研究方向 |
1、稀疏优化与低秩优化 2、张量计算 3、多项式优化 |
2007.08 - 2010.11 |
香港理工大学 哲学博士 |
2011.01—2012.06 |
天津大学理学院 |
讲师 |
2012.06—2022.06 |
天津大学理学院/数学学院 |
副教授 |
2022.07 —至 今 |
天津大学数学学院 |
教授 |
访学经历 |
2013.06-2013.09 |
科廷大学 |
访问学者 |
2014.05-2015.05 |
加州大学圣地亚哥分校 |
访问学者 |
2017.01-2017.02 |
香港理工大学 |
本科生课程 |
《场论》、《高等数学》 |
研究生课程 |
《最优化方法》、《工程数学基础》、《凸优化》 |
学生指导 |
硕士研究生;大学生创新创业项目; |
竞赛指导 |
指导大学生数学建模竞赛, 曾获全国、省各类奖多项 |
基金项目(国家级) |
身份 |
2012.01.01-2014.12 |
国家自然科学基金(青年): 高阶张量的最佳低秩逼近及其在信号处理中的应用 |
主持人 |
2015.01-2018.12 |
国家自然科学基金(面上): 高阶张量的低秩恢复问题研究 |
主持人 |
2019.01-2022.12 |
国家自然科学基金(面上): 张量计算中的半定松弛算法研究 |
主持人 |
2021.01-2024.12 |
国家自然科学基金(面上)几类偏微分方程系数反问题的算子分裂方法 |
参与人 |
Numerical Algebra, control & Optimization 编委 |
1. Quan Yu and Xinzhen Zhang, T-product factorization based method for matrix and tensor completion problems. Computational Optimization and Applications, 2023, vol. 84, 761-788.
2. Quan Yu and Xinzhen Zhang, A smoothing proximal gradient algorithm for matrix rank minimization problem. Computational Optimization and Applications, 2022, vol.81, 519-538.
3. Quan Yu, Xinzhen Zhang, Yannan Chen and Liqun Qi, Low Tucker rank tensor completion using a symmetric block coordinate descent method, Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications,2022, vol, 20, 3.
4. Liqun Qi, Yannan Chen, Mayank Bakshi and Xinzhen Zhang. Triple decomposition and tensor recovery of third order tensors. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 2021, vol 42, 299-329.
5. Lulu Cheng, Xinzhen Zhang and Guyan Ni. A semidefinite relaxation method for second-order cone tensor eigenvalue complementarity problems. Journal of Global Optimization, 2021, vol 79, 715-732.,
6. Lulu Cheng, Xinzhen Zhang. A semidefinite relaxation method for second-order cone polynomial complementarity problems. Computational Optimization and Applications, 2020, vol.75, 629-647.
7. Xiao Wang, Xinzhen Zhang and Guangming Zhou. SDP relaxation algorithms for P(P-0)-tensor detection. Computational Optimization and Applications, 2020, vol.75, 739-752.
8. Jiawang Nie and Xinzhen Zhang. Real eigenvalues of nonsymmetric tensors. Computational Optimization and Applications, 2018, vol.70, 1-32.
9. Jiawang Nie, Zi Yang and Xinzhen Zhang. A complete semidefinite algorithm for detecting copositive matrices and tensors. SIAM Journal on Optimization, 2018, vol.28, 2902-2921.
10. Jiawang Nie and Xinzhen Zhang. Positive maps and separable matrices. SIAM Journal of Optimization, 2016, vol.26, 1236-1256.
11. Xinzhen Zhang, Zheng-Hai Huang and Liqun Qi. Comon’s Conjecture, rank decomposition and symmetric rank decomposition of symmetric tensors. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 2016, vol.37, 1719-1728.
12. Xinzhen Zhang,Liqun Qi and Yinyu Ye. The cubic spherical optimization problems. Mathematics of Computation, 2012, vol.81, 1513-1526.
13. Xinzhen Zhang, Chen Ling and Liqun Qi. The best rank-1 approximation of symmetric tensor and related spherical optimization problems. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 2012, vol.33, 806-821.
14. Chen Ling, Xinzhen Zhang and Liqun Qi. Semidefinite relaxation approximation for multivariate bi-quadratic optimization with quadratic constraints. Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 2012, vol.19, 113-131.
15. Xinzhen Zhang, Chen Ling and Liqun Qi. Semidefinite relaxation bounds for bi-quadratic optimization with quadratic constraints. Journal of Global Optimization, 2011, vol.49, 293-311.